Saturday, June 11, 2022

The Sound Of Thunder

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I recently saw a sign encouraging us to "be the thunder in the storm". 

I had to stop and think on that- it sounds all empowering and good, but what does that really mean? Are we to be loud? Are we to suck the air deep into our lungs and let it out again with a resounding boom? Leave the air around us vibrating as we scream and scream and scream until the world is drowned out?

I think we may need to be ready to speak loudly, but thunder isn't always overpowering in order to be firm and heard. It may not be as spectacular as the lightning, but it also isn't leaving the place in flames when it crashes down. 

Be more substance and less flash.  Thunder doesn't always boom- sometimes its merely a whisper on the edge of the storm. 

Sometimes a loud voice is needed to be heard over the din, but more often its the simple rumbling of "its okay, I'm here" that a friend needs at that very moment before the skies break open and the world drowns in tears.

Be present. Be there. Even if you aren't seen.