Sunday, April 7, 2013


Whisper soft come the words
"I am here... I am safe"
Not spoken, surely
But there nonetheless
Speaking peace to my mind.

Gentle the touch that follows
"I will be with you always"
Not a physical moment
But I feel it throughout my being
Speaking peace to my soul.

Sweet moments that come
In times of sorrow or doubt
The reassurance
That my loved ones are still there
Waiting for the day we are reunited again

Grandparents, friends, brothers....
All of these I have lost in life
Not gone from me
But just around the bend

...writing themselves on my heart with the touch of hummingbird wings.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Shawna...

    Lump in my throat...
    Tears in my eyes...
    Comfort in my heart...

    Thank you.
