Saturday, November 10, 2012

The short, pointless end of Winifred the spider

Based on a true experience of my sister...sorry sis!

I came in because it was warm. I hadn’t felt good for days now, and I thought no one would mind; after all, the house looked big enough to include someone as small as I was. I would be unobtrusive, warm up for a bit, and while I was certain my time was coming to a close, there was the faint hope that perhaps I would start feeling better.

I guess I wasn’t quick enough, for the owner of the house saw me and freaked out. I’m not sure why, after all, she was miles taller than me. She even pointed me out to her pets and tried to get them to attack me. Thankfully they weren’t interested and I was able to drag myself wearily out of sight.

I heard some camera snaps, but I have no idea why she would be interested in taking pictures of someone as ordinary as I. I was warmer than I had been in days, and now I just wanted somewhere soft to lie my head.

I found it in the bathroom. I laid down on a throw rug until one of the cats found me and started poking at me with its paw.

“You can’t stay here”, the cat told me.

“What if I moved somewhere else?” I asked.

The cat must have noticed how pale I was looking, for she sighed and told me that if I could get out of her reach then there was nothing she could do to kick me out. She then wandered off on her own business, and left me looking about for where to go next.

I noticed a soft towel hanging from the wall, the bottom of which was right above me, and found that this was far easier to climb than going directly up the wall. Maybe I would find a new place to rest when I reached the top and could get a better view of my surroundings.

It took all night, but I was nearly to the top of the towel. I was exhausted, shaking with the exertion, and took a few moments to gather the last of my rapidly dwindling strength before tackling the last part of the climb. From there I could see it wouldn’t be much farther to climb into the windowsill and hide behind the things placed there. Surely no one would mind if I was up there, as the items looked mostly decorative, and not for regular use.

To my surprise, the light came on, and the owner of the house came in. She turned on the shower and didn’t notice me hanging there as she hopped inside and pulled the curtain shut.

I began to climb again, urging my tired muscles to go faster, but it was a losing battle…. my strength was gone. I looked down at the ground far below me and grew dizzy from the height…to my shame I found myself crying at the stupidity of my situation.

The shower curtain opened, and the next thing I know the towel I was clinging to was pulled from its hook and I barely had the presence of mind to hang on for dear life. Everything got fuzzy at that moment as I was shaken up and down and from side to side rather vigorously. My head cleared and I realized that I was no longer clinging to the towel, but was now half in and half out of the girl’s mouth!

I was hit with a blast of hot, fetund breath as she turned towards her mirror and noticed me lying there, limp and unmoving. I’m not even sure she knew it was me at first, for she calmly spit me onto the ground as if I were nothing but a clump of hair. The pain as I crashed into the hard tile was excruciating, and I blacked out for a moment.

I regained consciousness to the sounds of screams, as the girl realized what I was.

I squinted, trying to get my eyes in focus as she pulled away, and from her horrified reaction I worried that her next step would be to smash me.

Honestly, the pain was so intense that smashing might have been a welcome release.

I managed to wave one leg at her, beaconing her closer so she could make it a swift kill, but she let out another shriek and ran from the room, leaving me there on the cold floor in pain so intense that I had never felt its like before.

There was a roaring in my head and I felt light-headed. I knew I couldn’t leave myself on the floor like that for her to find. I felt bad about causing her the problems I had. After all, I had only wanted to die quietly in a warm place… preferably within a wall where I wouldn’t be a bother.

I stretched forth my front legs, and somehow managed to drag myself slowly across the floor. I don’t know where the strength came from, but it seemed like ages before I finally pulled myself under the dryer.

Here I lie. Unable to crawl further as my crushed body finally gave out on me. Here I will stay until I am allowed to die……..

….among the dust bunnies…..

…….but at least I am finally warm.

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